A UX Power Up

A talent resourcing platform receives a vital boost to its user experience.

Results Resourcing
Product Design, UI/UX lead
Elizabeth Eiss, Founder

Project Summary

The Challenge: Founder Elizabeth Eiss and developer Aaron Stipkovich had created a profitable talent resourcing platform, but wanted to take their success to the next level. Users were expressing frustration with the user experience. They felt the platform was not intuitive enough and the process to create a new job and hire talent was too complicated and confusing.

To get started, a comprehensive audit of the current platform and interview users to gain a deeper understanding of the issues at hand. Then a competitive audit helped to identify best practices and areas where Results Resourcing could shine.


  • UX audit
  • User interviews
  • Competitive audit
  • User flow diagrams
  • UX Design
  • Medium fidelity wireframes
  • Brand refresh
  • Design mockups
A review of competitors (left) and an audit of the current Results Resourcing platform (right) identified opportunities to make the experience more intuitive and better meet the needs of users.

User interviews were used to gain insight into their pain points and areas for improvement.

A user flow diagram mapped out a simplified journey for all three critical pathways for clients—create a job by yourself, create a job with the help of a recruiter, and invite a freelancer to an existing job.

Strategy: The goal was to redesign the process and interface to ensure the end-to-end experience is intuitive for both job seekers and employers. Based on the insights gained from our UX research, the goal posts were set: streamline the job creation process, provide clear and succinct guidance at every step of the journey, and shift to straightforward, simple language. The UI would be updated with a modern aesthetic and generous white space to reduce visual overwhelm. Information would be organized on each screen in consistent, well-structured ways to help the user predict where to find whatever they need throughout the process.

Medium fidelity wireframes communicated the content and thinking behind each screen

Mockups were created in Sketch to share the UI specs with the development team
Team: Suzanne Reeves, Kallie Falandays, Jordan Wan

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